
Fricker, H. A., Galton-Fenzi, B. K., Walker, C. C., Freer, B. I. D., Padman, L., & DeConto, R. (2025). Antarctica in 2025: Drivers of deep uncertainty in projected ice loss. Science, 387(6734), 601–609.
Bassis, J. N., Crawford, A., Kachuck, S. B., Benn, D. I., Walker, C., Millstein, J., Duddu, R., Åström, J., Fricker, H. A., & Luckman, A. (2024). Stability of Ice Shelves and Ice Cliffs in a Changing Climate. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 52(1), 221–247.
Magruder, L. A., Farrell, S. L., Neuenschwander, A., Duncanson, L., Csatho, B., Kacimi, S., & Fricker, H. A. (2024). Monitoring Earth’s climate variables with satellite laser altimetry. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 5(2), 120–136.
Walker, C. C., Millstein, J. D., Miles, B. W. J., Cook, S., Fraser, A. D., Colliander, A., Misra, S., Trusel, L. D., Adusumilli, S., Roberts, C., & Fricker, H. A. (2024). Multi-decadal collapse of East Antarctica’s Conger–Glenzer Ice Shelf. Nature Geoscience, 17(12), 1240–1248.
Freer, B. I. D., Marsh, O. J., Fricker, H. A., Hogg, A. E., Siegfried, M. R., Floricioiu, D., Sauthoff, W., Rigby, R., & Wilson, S. F. (2024). Coincident Lake Drainage and Grounding Line Retreat at Engelhardt Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129(9), e2024JF007724.
Freer, B. I. D., Marsh, O. J., Hogg, A. E., Fricker, H. A., & Padman, L. (2023). Modes of Antarctic tidal grounding line migration revealed by Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) laser altimetry. The Cryosphere, 17(9), 4079–4101.
Paolo, F. S., Gardner, A. S., Greene, C. A., Nilsson, J., Schodlok, M. P., Schlegel, N.-J., & Fricker, H. A. (2023). Widespread slowdown in thinning rates of West Antarctic ice shelves. The Cryosphere, 17(8), 3409–3433.
Mosbeux, C., Padman, L., Klein, E., Bromirski, P. D., & Fricker, H. A. (2023). Seasonal variability in Antarctic ice shelf velocities forced by sea surface height variations. The Cryosphere, 17(7), 2585–2606.
Siegfried, M. R., Venturelli, R. A., Patterson, M. O., Arnuk, W., Campbell, T. D., Gustafson, C. D., Michaud, A. B., Galton-Fenzi, B. K., Hausner, M. B., Holzschuh, S. N., Huber, B., Mankoff, K. D., Schroeder, D. M., Summers, P. T., Tyler, S., Carter, S. P., Fricker, H. A., Harwood, D. M., Leventer, A., … the SALSA Science Team. (2023). The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica. Geology, 51(5), 434–438.
Davis, C. L., Venturelli, R. A., Michaud, A. B., Hawkings, J. R., Achberger, A. M., Vick-Majors, T. J., Rosenheim, B. E., Dore, J. E., Steigmeyer, A., Skidmore, M. L., Barker, J. D., Benning, L. G., Siegfried, M. R., Priscu, J. C., Christner, B. C., the SALSA Science Team, Barbante, C., Bowling, M., Burnett, J., … Zook, B. (2023). Biogeochemical and historical drivers of microbial community composition and structure in sediments from Mercer Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica. ISME Communications, 3(1), 8.
Venturelli, R. A., Boehman, B., Davis, C., Hawkings, J. R., Johnston, S. E., Gustafson, C. D., Michaud, A. B., Mosbeux, C., Siegfried, M. R., Vick‐Majors, T. J., Galy, V., Spencer, R. G. M., Warny, S., Christner, B. C., Fricker, H. A., Harwood, D. M., Leventer, A., Priscu, J. C., Rosenheim, B. E., & SALSA Science Team. (2023). Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica. AGU Advances, 4(2), e2022AV000846.
Gustafson, C. D., Key, K., Siegfried, M. R., Winberry, J. P., Fricker, H. A., Venturelli, R. A., & Michaud, A. B. (2022). A dynamic saline groundwater system mapped beneath an Antarctic ice stream. Science, 376(6593), 640-+.
Livingstone, S. J., Li, Y., Rutishauser, A., Sanderson, R. J., Winter, K., Mikucki, J. A., Bjornsson, H., Bowling, J. S., Chu, W. N., Dow, C. F., Fricker, H. A., McMillan, M., Ng, F. S. L., Ross, N., Siegert, M. J., Siegfried, M., & Sole, A. J. (2022). Subglacial lakes and their changing role in a warming climate. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 19.
Spergel, J. J., Kingslake, J., Creyts, T., van Wessem, M., & Fricker, H. A. (2021). Surface meltwater drainage and ponding on Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, 1973-2019. Journal of Glaciology, 67(266), 985–998.
Priscu, J. C., Kalin, J., Winans, J., Campbell, T., Siegfried, M. R., Skidmore, M., Dore, J. E., Leventer, A., Harwood, D. M., Duling, D., Zook, R., Burnett, J., Gibson, D., Krula, E., Mironov, A., McManis, J., Roberts, G., Rosenheim, B. E., Christner, B. C., … Salsa Sci Team. (2021). Scientific access into Mercer Subglacial Lake: scientific objectives, drilling operations and initial observations. Annals of Glaciology, 62(85–86), 340–352.
Becker, M. K., Howard, S. L., Fricker, H. A., Padman, L., Mosbeux, C., & Siegfried, M. R. (2021). Buoyancy-driven flexure at the front of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, observed with ICESat-2 laser altimetry. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(12).
Adusumilli, S., Fish, M., Fricker, H. A., & Medley, B. (2021). Atmospheric river precipitation contributed to rapid increases in surface height of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in 2019. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(5).
Walker, C. C., Becker, M. K., & Fricker, H. A. (2021). A high resolution, three-dimensional view of the D-28 calving event from Amery Ice Shelf With ICESat-2 and satellite imagery. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(3).
Fair, Z., Flanner, M., Brunt, K. M., Fricker, H. A., & Gardner, A. (2020). Using ICESat-2 and Operation IceBridge altimetry for supraglacial lake depth retrievals. Cryosphere, 14(11), 4253–4263.
Klein, E., Mosbeux, C., Bromirski, P. D., Padman, L., Bock, Y., Springer, S. R., & Fricker, H. A. (2020). Annual cycle in flow of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica: contribution of variable basal melting. Journal of Glaciology, 66(259), 861–875.
Khalsa, S. J. S., Borsa, A., Nandigam, V., Phan, M., Lin, K., Crosby, C., Fricker, H., Baru, C., & Lopez, L. (2020). OpenAltimetry-rapid analysis and visualization of Spaceborne altimeter data. Earth Science Informatics.
Scambos, T. A., Stammerjohn, S., Abrahamsen, E. P., Barreira, S., Bitz, C. M., Butler, A., Clem, K. R., Colwell, S., Coy, L., de Laat, J., du Plessis, M. D., Fogt, R. L., Fricker, H. A., Fyfe, J., Gardner, A. S., Gille, S. T., Gorte, T., Gregor, L., Hobbs, W., … Wang, L. (2020). Antarctica and the Southern Ocean [in “State of the Climate in 2019]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(8), S287–S320.
Mosbeux, C., Wagner, T. J. W., Becker, M. K., & Fricker, H. A. (2020). Viscous and elastic buoyancy stresses as drivers of ice-shelf calving. Journal of Glaciology, 66(258), 643–657.
Venturelli, R. A., Siegfried, M. R., Roush, K. A., Li, W., Burnett, J., Zook, R., Fricker, H. A., Priscu, J. C., Leventer, A., & Rosenheim, B. E. (2020). Mid-Holocene Grounding Line Retreat and Readvance at Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(15).
Adusumilli, S., Fricker, H. A., Medley, B., Padman, L., & Siegfried, M. R. (2020). Interannual variations in meltwater input to the Southern Ocean from Antarctic ice shelves. Nature Geoscience.
Smith, B., Fricker, H. A., Gardner, A. S., Medley, B., Nilsson, J., Paolo, F. S., Holschuh, N., Adusumilli, S., Brunt, K., Csatho, B., Harbeck, K., Markus, T., Neumann, T., Siegfried, M. R., & Zwally, H. J. (2020). Pervasive ice sheet mass loss reflects competing ocean and atmosphere processes. Science, 368(6496), 1239-+.
Begeman, C. B., Tulaczyk, S., Padman, L., King, M., Siegfried, M. R., Hodson, T. O., & Fricker, H. A. (2020). Tidal pressurization of the ocean cavity near an Antarctic ice shelf grounding line. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 125(4).
Das, I., Padman, L., Bell, R. E., Fricker, H. A., Tinto, K. J., Hulbe, C. L., Siddoway, C. S., Dhakal, T., Frearson, N. P., Mosbeux, C., Cordero, S. I., & Siegfried, M. R. (2020). Multidecadal basal melt rates and structure of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, using airborne ice penetrating radar. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 125(3).
Smith, B., Fricker, H. A., Holschuh, N., Gardner, A. S., Adusumilli, S., Brunt, K. M., Csatho, B., Harbeck, K., Huth, A., Neumann, T., Nilsson, J., & Siegfried, M. R. (2019). Land ice height-retrieval algorithm for NASA’s ICESat-2 photon-counting laser altimeter. Remote Sensing of Environment, 233.
Gudmundsson, G. H., Paolo, F. S., Adusumilli, S., & Fricker, H. A. (2019). Instantaneous Antarctic ice sheet mass loss driven by thinning ice shelves. Geophysical Research Letters.
Borsa, A. A., Fricker, H. A., & Brunt, K. M. (2019). A terrestrial validation of ICESat elevation measurements and implications for global reanalyses. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(9), 6946–6959.
Tinto, K. J., Padman, L., Siddoway, C. S., Springer, S. R., Fricker, H. A., Das, I., Tontini, F. C., Porter, D. F., Frearson, N. P., Howard, S. L., Siegfried, M. R., Mosbeux, C., Becker, M. K., Bertinato, C., Boghosian, A., Brady, N., Burton, B. L., Chu, W., Cordero, S. I., … Bell, R. E. (2019). Ross Ice Shelf response to climate driven by the tectonic imprint on seafloor bathymetry. Nature Geoscience, 12(6), 441-+.
Shepherd, A., Fricker, H. A., & Farrell, S. L. (2018). Trends and connections across the Antarctic cryosphere. Nature, 558(7709), 223–232.
Adusumilli, S., Fricker, H. A., Siegfried, M. R., Padman, L., Paolo, F. S., & Ligtenberg, S. R. M. (2018). Variable basal melt rates of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves, 1994-2016. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(9), 4086–4095.
Siegfried, M. R., & Fricker, H. A. (2018). Thirteen years of subglacial lake activity in Antarctica from multi-mission satellite altimetry. Annals of Glaciology, 59(76), 42–55.
Minchew, B. M., Gudmundsson, G. H., Gardner, A. S., Paolo, F. S., & Fricker, H. A. (2018). Modeling the dynamic response of outlet glaciers to observed ice-shelf thinning in the Bellingshausen Sea Sector, West Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 64(244), 333–342.
Padman, L., Siegfried, M. R., & Fricker, H. A. (2018). Ocean tide influences on the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Reviews of Geophysics, 56(1), 142–184.
Paolo, F. S., Padman, L., Fricker, H. A., Adusumilli, S., Howard, S., & Siegfried, M. R. (2018). Response of Pacific-sector Antarctic ice shelves to the El Nino/Southern Oscillation. Nature Geoscience, 11(2), 121-+.
Damsgaard, A., Suckale, J., Piotrowski, J. A., Houssais, M., Siegfried, M. R., & Fricker, H. A. (2017). Sediment behavior controls equilibrium width of subglacial channels. Journal of Glaciology, 63(242), 1034–1048.
Sun, X. L., Abshire, J. B., Borsa, A. A., Fricker, H. A., Yi, D. H., DiMarzio, J. P., Paolo, F. S., Brunt, K. M., Harding, D. J., & Neumann, G. A. (2017). ICESAT/GLAS Altimetry Measurements: Received Signal Dynamic Range and Saturation Correction. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(10), 5440–5454.
Markus, T., Neumann, T., Martino, A., Abdalati, W., Brunt, K., Csatho, B., Farrell, S., Fricker, H., Gardner, A., Harding, D., Jasinski, M., Kwok, R., Magruder, L., Lubin, D., Luthcke, S., Morison, J., Nelson, R., Neuenschwander, A., Palm, S., … Zwally, J. (2017). The Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2): Science requirements, concept, and implementation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 190, 260–273.
Carter, S. P., Fricker, H. A., & Siegfried, M. R. (2017). Antarctic subglacial lakes drain through sediment-floored canals: theory and model testing on real and idealized domains. Cryosphere, 11(1), 381–405.
Paolo, F. S., Fricker, H. A., & Padman, L. (2016). Constructing improved decadal records of Antarctic ice shelf height change from multiple satellite radar altimeters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 177, 192–205.
Alley, K. E., Scambos, T. A., Siegfried, M. R., & Fricker, H. A. (2016). Impacts of warm water on Antarctic ice shelf stability through basal channel formation. Nature Geosci, advance online publication.
Siegfried, M. R., Fricker, H. A., Carter, S. P., & Tulaczyk, S. (2016). Episodic ice velocity fluctuations triggered by a subglacial flood in West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(6), 2640–2648.
Mikucki, J. A., Lee, P. A., Ghosh, D., Purcell, A. M., Mitchell, A. C., Mankoff, K. D., Fisher, A. T., Tulaczyk, S., Carter, S., Siegfried, M. R., Fricker, H. A., Hodson, T., Coenen, J., Powell, R., Scherer, R., Vick-Majors, T., Achberger, A. A., Christner, B. C., Tranter, M., & Wissard Sci Team. (2016). Subglacial Lake Whillans microbial biogeochemistry: a synthesis of current knowledge. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 374(2059).
Marsh, O. J., Fricker, H. A., Siegfried, M. R., Christianson, K., Nicholls, K. W., Corr, H. F. J., & Catania, G. (2016). High basal melting forming a channel at the grounding line of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(1), 250–255.
Fricker, H. A., Siegfried, M. R., Carter, S. P., & Scambos, T. A. (2016). A decade of progress in observing and modelling Antarctic subglacial water systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 374(2059).
Bougamont, M., Christoffersen, P., Price, S. F., Fricker, H. A., Tulaczyk, S., & Carter, S. P. (2015). Reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream tributaries triggers century-scale reorganization of Siple Coast ice flow in West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(20), 8471–8480.
Walker, C. C., Bassis, J. N., Fricker, H. A., & Czerwinski, R. J. (2015). Observations of interannual and spatial variability in rift propagation in the Amery Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 2002-14. Journal of Glaciology, 61(226), 243–252.